FOR EMPLOYERS: Exhibit at the Creative Opportunities Unlocked: Careers Fair! Wednesday 23 October 2024
Applications for our 2024 Careers Fair are now open. UAL has over 23,000 creative students on the cutting edge of cultural life in London. They are seeking a variety of flexible work whilst they study or alongside their creative practice, as well as internships, and permanent and graduate-level roles after they finish. Our careers fair is open to students and graduates from UAL’s 6 renowned Colleges studying art, design, fashion, communications, media and performance subjects.

What’s your new year’s resolution for career success? 

Close up shot of moulded shapes in a variety of pastel colours
Reading in the library © Alys Tomlinson
Written by
Creative Opportunities
Published date
11 December 2023

As we dive into a brand-new year, it’s the perfect time to harness the energy and enthusiasm for personal and professional growth. Let’s fire up our ambitions and set five vibrant and achievable career-focused resolutions that will supercharge our journey.

Embrace learning beyond the curriculum

Studying isn’t just about textbooks and exams – it’s about expanding your horizons! Make a resolution to explore one skill or knowledge area that’s entirely new and thrilling. Whether it’s learning to code, understanding the basics of AI, mastering a musical instrument, or delving into a new language—this pursuit will invigorate your mind and spark creativity. Who knows? This newfound skill might just be the catalyst for your next big idea or passion project! 

Dive into experiences that challenge you

It’s time to step out of your comfort zone and dive into experiences that stretch your abilities. Seek opportunities that may seem daunting at first but promise growth. Whether it’s joining a debate club, participating in a hackathon, volunteering for a cause you’re passionate about, or taking on a leadership role in a student organisation—these experiences will cultivate resilience, adaptability, and a wealth of new skills that textbooks can’t teach. 

Tech-savvy explorer: learn and innovate with AI

In today’s rapidly evolving world, understanding artificial intelligence (AI) isn’t just beneficial—it’s essential! Resolve to immerse yourself in the world of AI by taking an introductory course, attending workshops, or exploring online resources. AI is shaping industries across the globe, from healthcare to entertainment, and having a foundational understanding can open doors to exciting opportunities and innovative thinking.

Engage in enlightening reads for career growth

Books are windows into new worlds, ideas, and perspectives. Commit to reading 3 books that propel your career forward. Whether it’s a motivational memoir, a thought-provoking industry analysis, or a guide to personal development—these reads will broaden your knowledge, refine your thinking, and provide valuable insights that resonate with your career aspirations. 

Foster professional connections and personal branding

Your network is your net worth! Make it a mission to expand your professional circle by making at least one new connection every month. Attend networking events, engage with industry-related forums, and connect with professionals on LinkedIn. Additionally, spruce up your LinkedIn profile—it’s your digital business card! Optimise it with your achievements, goals, and aspirations to leave a memorable impression. 

Set these resolutions ablaze and watch as they transform into remarkable stepping stones toward a vibrant and rewarding career journey. Embrace the opportunities, chase those ambitions, and let this coming year be the start of something truly extraordinary!  

If you are looking for opportunities to gain experience to start your career, why not check out UAL’s jobs board, Creative Opportunities? Run by Careers and Employability, it is the go-to hub for creative students and graduates. You can find jobs, paid internships, competitions, and volunteering roles. If you are studying an art, design, communications, or a performance course or have recently graduated, then this is the place for you! Our goal is to help you achieve your ambitions and make a living doing what you love.