Student Employment Survey - print, canteen and shopping vouchers in exchange for your views!
UAL students and grads: Share your voice to give us insight into your views about employment. Once you’ve completed the survey, you will be entered into a prize draw to win vouchers for Love2Shop, UAL canteens and printer credits. We’ll use your answers to support you better by updating our services for the next generation of UAL professionals and creatives. Ends 30 June 2024

Dot Dot Dot Property Guardians

Company Profile

Dot Dot Dot is a social enterprise which allows people who do brilliant voluntary work to live in buildings that would otherwise be empty. We provide good, inexpensive housing to people who make a difference, we protect buildings for their owners, and we contribute to communities. Everyone wins.
Founded in 2011, our team houses hundreds of people across the country and supports them to give tens of thousands of hours of voluntary help to a diverse range of good causes. From our base in London’s Olympic Park, we work with many of the country’s best-known property owners, giving them confidence that their buildings are well cared for while they are awaiting regeneration or sale. So far, our guardians have given the equivalent of 150 years of full-time work to good causes. We use the property guardian model to achieve this, but we are also disrupting the property guardian industry, working to push up standards across the board, and to highlight the importance of the human touch in housing.
We were named in last year’s NatWest SE100 Index of leading UK social enterprises, We are also one of the Big Issue’s top 100 Changemakers and a Nesta ‘New Radical’ - naming us among the organisations doing the most to address society’s most pressing problems.

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Property Viewings Assistant

Dot Dot Dot Property Guardians

Closing date: 03 July 2024

Location: London + UK